mckendree key


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schulykill wetlands


plastic balls
Soft- Sites, (curated by Sara Reisman) at The Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia and Bartram's Garden

This is a sketch for the installation. Bartram's Garden is America's oldest living botanical garden and the pre-revolutionary home of John Bartram, a naturalist, botanist and explorer.


Bartram's Garden is located in one of the rougher neighborhoods in Philly.

click to enlarge

The site I chose for this peice is on the property of Bartram's Garden, but is located far away from the main house and is bordered by an abandoned gypsum factory on one side and the Schulykill River on another.

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It is the site of a restored tidal wetland that was re-established in 1997 after a violoation of the Clean Water Act by neighboring petroleum companies.

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Wetlands control pollution by acting as natural filters. Some wetland plants can absorb toxic heavy metals and other pollutants.

click to enlarge

Thanks to Sara Reisman, Lindsay Key, ICA, Bartrams Garden, Gareth Mahon and Lea Bailis

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